Infection and immunity

Role of Activins in Hepcidin Regulation during Malaria.

Infection and immunity

Spottiswoode N, Armitage AE, Williams AR, Fyfe AJ, Biswas S, Hodgson SH, Llewellyn D, Choudhary P, Draper SJ, Duffy PE, Drakesmith H

Limited Colonization Undermined by Inadequate Early Immune Responses Defines the Dynamics of Decidual Listeriosis.

Infection and immunity

Rizzuto G, Tagliani E, Manandhar P, Erlebacher A, Bakardjiev AI

InlP, a New Virulence Factor with Strong Placental Tropism.

Infection and immunity

Faralla C, Rizzuto GA, Lowe DE, Kim B, Cooke C, Shiow LR, Bakardjiev AI

Significance of the D-serine-deaminase and D-serine metabolism of Staphylococcus saprophyticus for virulence.

Infection and immunity

Korte-Berwanger M, Sakinc T, Kline K, Nielsen HV, Hultgren S, Gatermann SG

Estrogenic modulation of uropathogenic Escherichia coli infection pathogenesis in a murine menopause model.

Infection and immunity

Wang C, Symington JW, Ma E, Cao B, Mysorekar IU

Characterization of a novel murine model of Staphylococcus saprophyticus urinary tract infection reveals roles for Ssp and SdrI in virulence.

Infection and immunity

Kline KA, Ingersoll MA, Nielsen HV, Sakinc T, Henriques-Normark B, Gatermann S, Caparon MG, Hultgren SJ

Distinct CD4+-T-cell responses to live and heat-inactivated Aspergillus fumigatus conidia.

Infection and immunity

Rivera A, Van Epps HL, Hohl TM, Rizzuto G, Pamer EG

Lipid raft-mediated entry is not required for Chlamydia trachomatis infection of cultured epithelial cells.

Infection and immunity

Gabel BR, Elwell C, van Ijzendoorn SC, Engel JN
