Science translational medicine

Rational combination therapy with PARP and MEK inhibitors capitalizes on therapeutic liabilities in RAS mutant cancers.

Science translational medicine

Sun C, Fang Y, Yin J, Chen J, Ju Z, Zhang D, Chen X, Vellano CP, Jeong KJ, Ng PK, Eterovic AKB, Bhola NH, Lu Y, Westin SN, Grandis JR, Lin SY, Scott KL, Peng G, Brugge J, Mills GB

Measuring inflammation in IBD with an OSM-ostat.

Science translational medicine

Scharschmidt TC

When TLRs fail, IgG has your back.

Science translational medicine

Scharschmidt TC

A circulating antibody panel for pretransplant prediction of FSGS recurrence after kidney transplantation.

Science translational medicine

Delville M, Sigdel TK, Wei C, Li J, Hsieh SC, Fornoni A, Burke GW, Bruneval P, Naesens M, Jackson A, Alachkar N, Canaud G, Legendre C, Anglicheau D, Reiser J, Sarwal MM

Loss and dysfunction of Vd2? ?d T cells are associated with clinical tolerance to malaria.

Science translational medicine

Jagannathan P, Kim CC, Greenhouse B, Nankya F, Bowen K, Eccles-James I, Muhindo MK, Arinaitwe E, Tappero JW, Kamya MR, Dorsey G, Feeney ME

Magnetic resonance of 2-hydroxyglutarate in IDH1-mutated low-grade gliomas.

Science translational medicine

Elkhaled A, Jalbert LE, Phillips JJ, Yoshihara HAI, Parvataneni R, Srinivasan R, Bourne G, Berger MS, Chang SM, Cha S, Nelson SJ

Donor myocardial infarction impairs the therapeutic potential of bone marrow cells by an interleukin-1-mediated inflammatory response.

Science translational medicine

Wang X, Takagawa J, Lam VC, Haddad DJ, Tobler DL, Mok PY, Zhang Y, Clifford BT, Pinnamaneni K, Saini SA, Su R, Bartel MJ, Sievers RE, Carbone L, Kogan S, Yeghiazarians Y, Hermiston M, Springer ML

Computational repositioning of the anticonvulsant topiramate for inflammatory bowel disease.

Science translational medicine

Dudley JT, Sirota M, Shenoy M, Pai RK, Roedder S, Chiang AP, Morgan AA, Sarwal MM, Pasricha PJ, Butte AJ

A critical subset model provides a conceptual basis for the high antiviral activity of major HIV drugs.

Science translational medicine

Shen L, Rabi SA, Sedaghat AR, Shan L, Lai J, Xing S, Siliciano RF

IL-22+ CD4+ T cells are associated with therapeutic trichuris trichiura infection in an ulcerative colitis patient.

Science translational medicine

Broadhurst MJ, Leung JM, Kashyap V, McCune JM, Mahadevan U, McKerrow JH, Loke P
