Cancer research

Abstract P2-03-16: Quantifying estrogen and progesterone receptor status in early-stage invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast: associated factors and outcomes in an institutional series.

Cancer research

Elle Clelland, Harriet T. Rothschild, Anne Patterson, Julissa Molina-Vega, Mandeep Kaur, Mary Kathryn Abel, W. Fraser Symmans, Jo Chien, Christopher J. Schwartz, Rita Mukhtar

Abstract HER2-14: HER2-14 HER-2 low status in early stage invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast: associated factors and outcomes in an institutional series.

Cancer research

Harriet T. Rothschild, Elle Clelland, Anne Patterson, Julissa Molina-Vega, Mandeep Kaur, Mary Kathryn Abel, W. Fraser Symmans, Christopher J. Schwartz, Rita Mukhtar

Mutated HRAS activates YAP1-AXL signaling to drive metastasis of head and neck cancer.

Cancer research

Jagadeeshan S, Prasad M, Badarni M, Ben Lulu T, Liju VB, Mathukkada S, Saunders C, Shnerb AB, Zorea J, Yegodayev KM, Wainer M, Vtorov L, Allon I, Cohen O, Gausdal G, Friedmann-Morvinski D, Cheong SC, Ho AL, Rosenberg AJ, Kessler L, Burrows F, Kong D, Grandis JR, Gutkind JS, Elkabets M

N-myc-Mediated Translation Control Is a Therapeutic Vulnerability in Medulloblastoma.

Cancer research

Kuzuoglu-Ozturk D, Aksoy O, Schmidt C, Lea R, Larson JD, Phelps RRL, Nasholm N, Holt M, Contreras A, Huang M, Wong-Michalak S, Shao H, Wechsler-Reya R, Phillips JJ, Gestwicki JE, Ruggero D, Weiss WA

Resistance to ATR Inhibitors Is Mediated by Loss of the Nonsense-Mediated Decay Factor UPF2.

Cancer research

O'Leary PC, Chen H, Doruk YU, Williamson T, Polacco B, McNeal AS, Shenoy T, Kale N, Carnevale J, Stevenson E, Quigley DA, Chou J, Feng FY, Swaney DL, Krogan NJ, Kim M, Diolaiti ME, Ashworth A

Editor's Note: Cross-talk Signaling between HER3 and HPV16 E6 and E7 Mediates Resistance to PI3K Inhibitors in Head and Neck Cancer.

Cancer research

Brand TM, Hartmann S, Bhola NE, Li H, Zeng Y, O'Keefe RA, Ranall MV, Bandyopadhyay S, Soucheray M, Krogan NJ, Kemp C, Duvvuri U, LaVallee T, Johnson DE, Ozbun MA, Bauman JE, Grandis JR

Correction: Cross-talk Signaling between HER3 and HPV16 E6 and E7 Mediates Resistance to PI3K Inhibitors in Head and Neck Cancer.

Cancer research

Brand TM, Hartmann S, Bhola NE, Li H, Zeng Y, O'Keefe RA, Ranall MV, Bandyopadhyay S, Soucheray M, Krogan NJ, Kemp C, Duvvuri U, LaVallee T, Johnson DE, Ozbun MA, Bauman JE, Grandis JR

Abstract LB021: Mechanosensitive hormone signaling promotes mammary progenitor expansion and breast cancer progression.

Cancer research

Jason J. Northey, Yoshihiro Yui, Mary-Kate Hayward, Connor Stashko, FuiBoon Kai, Janna Mouw, Dhruv Thakar, Jonathon Lakins, Alastair Ironside, Susan Samson, Rita Mukhtar, E. Shelley Hwang, Valerie Weaver

Abstract LB516A: The irreversible FLT3 inhibitor FF-10101 is active against a diversity of FLT3 inhibitor resistance mechanisms.

Cancer research

Timothy T. Ferng, Daisuke Terada, Makoto Ando, Theodore C. Tarver, Fihr Chaudhary, Kimberly C. Lin, Aaron C. Logan, Catherine C. Smith
