Rachel Waldemer, MD, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar

RNAi screen reveals potentially novel roles of cytokines in myoblast differentiation.

PloS one

Ge Y, Waldemer RJ, Nalluri R, Nuzzi PD, Chen J

Flt3L is a novel regulator of skeletal myogenesis.

Journal of cell science

Ge Y, Waldemer RJ, Nalluri R, Nuzzi PD, Chen J

ETRAP (efficient trapping and purification) of target protein polyclonal antibodies from GST-protein immune sera.

Biotechnology and applied biochemistry

Crimmins DL, Brada NA, Lockwood CM, Griest TA, Waldemer RJ, Cervinski MA, Ohlendorf MF, McQuillan JJ, Ladenson JH