Eliah Shamir, MD, PhD

Alumni (Pathology)

IL-4-induced SOX9 confers lineage plasticity to aged adult lung stem cells.

Cell reports

Cai XT, Jia M, Heigl T, Shamir ER, Wong AK, Hall BM, Arlantico A, Hung J, Menon HG, Darmanis S, Brightbill HD, Garfield DA, Rock JR

Epimorphic regeneration in the mammalian tympanic membrane.

NPJ Regenerative medicine

Scaria SM, Frumm SM, Vikram EP, Easow SA, Sheth AH, Shamir ER, Yu SK, Tward AD

Solid-basaloid adenoid cystic carcinoma of the breast: an aggressive subtype enriched for Notch pathway and chromatin-modifier mutations with MYB overexpression.

Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc

Shamir ER, Bean GR, Schwartz CJ, Vohra P, Wang A, Allard GM, Wolsky RJ, Garcia JJ, Chen YY, Krings G

An agonistic anti-signal regulatory protein α antibody for chronic inflammatory diseases.

Cell reports. Medicine

Xie MM, Dai B, Hackney JA, Sun T, Zhang J, Jackman JK, Jeet S, Irizarry-Caro RA, Fu Y, Liang Y, Bender H, Shamir ER, Keir ME, Bevers J, Nakamura G, Townsend MJ, Fox DA, Scherl A, Lee WP, Martin F, Godowski PJ, Pappu R, Yi T

Improved handling and embedding schemes for cultured murine neuroretinal explants.

Journal of histotechnology

Haller S, Marton RM, Marroquin KA, Shamir ER

Autophagic Degradation of NBR1 Restricts Metastatic Outgrowth during Mammary Tumor Progression.

Developmental cell

Marsh T, Kenific CM, Suresh D, Gonzalez H, Shamir ER, Mei W, Tankka A, Leidal AM, Kalavacherla S, Woo K, Werb Z, Debnath J

Identification of high-risk human papillomavirus and Rb/E2F pathway genomic alterations in mutually exclusive subsets of colorectal neuroendocrine carcinoma.

Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc

Shamir ER, Devine WP, Pekmezci M, Umetsu SE, Krings G, Federman S, Cho SJ, Saunders TA, Jen KY, Bergsland E, Jones K, Kim GE, Kakar S, Chiu CY, Joseph NM

Myoepithelial cells are a dynamic barrier to epithelial dissemination.

The Journal of cell biology

Sirka OK, Shamir ER, Ewald AJ

Cell-cell communication enhances the capacity of cell ensembles to sense shallow gradients during morphogenesis.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Ellison D, Mugler A, Brennan MD, Lee SH, Huebner RJ, Shamir ER, Woo LA, Kim J, Amar P, Nemenman I, Ewald AJ, Levchenko A

3D culture assays of murine mammary branching morphogenesis and epithelial invasion.

Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)

Nguyen-Ngoc KV, Shamir ER, Huebner RJ, Beck JN, Cheung KJ, Ewald AJ

Twist1-induced dissemination preserves epithelial identity and requires E-cadherin.

The Journal of cell biology

Shamir ER, Pappalardo E, Jorgens DM, Coutinho K, Tsai WT, Aziz K, Auer M, Tran PT, Bader JS, Ewald AJ

ECM microenvironment regulates collective migration and local dissemination in normal and malignant mammary epithelium.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Nguyen-Ngoc KV, Cheung KJ, Brenot A, Shamir ER, Gray RS, Hines WC, Yaswen P, Werb Z, Ewald AJ

Nitazoxanide inhibits biofilm production and hemagglutination by enteroaggregative Escherichia coli strains by blocking assembly of AafA fimbriae.

Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy

Shamir ER, Warthan M, Brown SP, Nataro JP, Guerrant RL, Hoffman PS

Robust fluorescent detection of protein fatty-acylation with chemical reporters.

Journal of the American Chemical Society

Charron G, Zhang MM, Yount JS, Wilson J, Raghavan AS, Shamir E, Hang HC