
Kelly Wentworth, MD receives 2021 Rising Star Award

October 01, 2021
Kelly Wentworth, MD received the 2021 Rising Star Award from The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. ASBMR’s mission is to promote excellence in bone, mineral and musculoskeletal research, foster integration of clinical and basic science, and facilitate the translation of that science...

Catherine Smith, MD receives 2021 Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator Award

October 01, 2021
Congratulations to Catherine Smith, MD, who has received the 2021 Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator Award. Her project title is "RNA Polymerase II as therapeutic target in AML with RAS activation".

Carolyn Sangokoya, MD PhD named 2021 John A. Watson Faculty Scholar

October 01, 2021
The UCSF School of Medicine recently announced the 2021 class of John A. Watson Faculty Scholars. Congratulations to Carolyn Sangokoya MD PhD for being selected to this group!

Melanie Ott, MD PhD leads HOPE for a new approach to curing HIV

September 27, 2021
With a new $26.5-million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the HIV Obstruction by Programmed Epigenetics (HOPE) Collaboratory is a multi-disciplinary group of researchers from institutions around the world trying a completely new strategy for curing HIV.

Bridget Keenan, MD PhD awarded Chancellor Award for Advancement of Women @UCSF

September 25, 2021
Congratulations to Bridget Keenan, MD PhD, a recipient of a Chancellor Award for Advancement of Women (2021). Dr. Keenan helped develop the Internal Medicine residency Women in Leadership Development (WiLD) Committee and is a co-founder of the UCSF-wide Women in Leadership Development (WiLD)...
